Publications and Talks

  • Andreas Dellnitz (Habilitation Treatise), Model-Based Decision Making – A Quantitative Story on Actors, Activities and Allocations, Hagen, 2021.
  • Andreas Dellnitz; Produktivitäts- und Effizienzverbesserungen in der DEA – Von der Selbst- zur Kreuzbewertung, Dissertation, Springer-Gabler, 2016, ISBN: 978-3658121709.
Refereed Journal Articles & Proceedings
  • Wilhelm Rödder, Andreas Dellnitz and Elmar Reucher; Liberté, Égalité, Fraternité – entropy-driven analytics in power networks, Annals of Operations Research, forthcoming, 2023.
  • Andreas Dellnitz, Damian Pozo, Jochen Bauer and Andreas Kleine; Seminar Assignments in a University: MATLAB-based Decision Support, INFORMS Journal on Applied Analyticsforthcoming, 2023.
  • Andreas Dellnitz, Madjid Tavana and Rajiv Banker; A Novel Median-Based Optimization Model for Eco-Efficiency Assessment in Data Envelopment Analysis, Annals of Operations Research, forthcoming, 2022.
  • Wilhelm Rödder, Andreas Dellnitz and Sebastian Litzinger; Combining efficiency and scaling effects in activity analysis – towards an improved DEA-best practice criterion, RAIRO – Operations Research, 56, 2022, pp. 795-812.
  • Andreas Dellnitz; Big Data Efficiency Analysis: Improved algorithms for data envelopment analysis involving large datasets, Computers & Operations Research, 137, 105553, 2022
  • Wilhelm Rödder, Andreas Dellnitz and Elmar Reucher; Power genesis in social networks: An entropy-driven decision support model with conditional data, Decision Analytics Journal, 1, 2021, pp. 1-8
  • Bohlool Ebrahimi, Madjid Tavana, Andreas Kleine and Andreas Dellnitz; A Novel Data Envelopment Analysis Model for Solving Performance Measurement Problems with Imprecise Dual-Role Factors, OR Spectrum, 43, 2021, pp. 1103-1124.
  • Wilhelm Rödder, Andreas Dellnitz and Sebastian Litzinger; Analysing Terrorist Networks – an entropy-driven method, Expert Systems: The Journal of Knowledge Engineering, 39, 2021, pp. 1-13. Article Download!
  • Andreas Dellnitz, Elmar Reucher and Andreas Kleine; Efficiency evaluation in data envelopment analysis using strong defining hyperplanes: a cross-efficiency framework, OR Spectrum 43, 2021, pp. 441-465 (VHB-Rating A). Article Download!
  • Bohlool Ebrahimi, Andreas Dellnitz, Andreas Kleine and Madjid Tavana; Novel Method for Solving Data Envelopment Analysis Problems with Weak Ordinal Data using Robust Measures, Expert Systems With Applications 164, 2021. Article Download!
  • Andreas Dellnitz and Wilhelm Rödder; Returns to scale as an established scaling indicator: Always a good advisor?, Journal of Economics and Statistics (Jahrbücher für Nationalökonomie und Statistik) 241, 2021, pp. 173-186 (VHB-Rating C). Article Download!
  • Andreas Dellnitz, Damian Braschczok, Jonas Ostmeyer, Markus Hilbert and Andreas Kleine; Energy Costs vs. Carbon Dioxide Emissions in Short-Term Production Planning – A Business Case Study, Journal of Business Economics 90, 2020, pp. 1383-1407 (VHB-Rating B). Article Download!
  • Andreas Dellnitz and Wilhelm Rödder; An entropy-based framework to analyze structural power and power alliances in social networks, Nature – Scientific Reports 10, 2020, pp. 1-12Article Download!
  • Andreas Dellnitz and Andreas Kleine; Multiple input-output frontier analysis - From generalized deterministic to stochastic frontiers, Computers & Industrial Engineering 135, 2019, pp. 28-38 (VHB-Rating B). Article Download!
  • Wilhelm Rödder, Andreas Dellnitz, Friedhelm Kulmann, Sebastian Litzinger; Bipartite Structures in Social Networks - traditional versus entropy-driven analyses, Entropy, 21(3), 277, 2019, pp. 1-17.
  • Wilhelm Rödder, Andreas Dellnitz, Ivan Ricardo Gartner and Sebastian Litzinger; Weight prediction on missing links in social networks: a cross-entropy-based approach, Journal of Applied Logics 1(6), 2019, pp. 95-116.
  • Steffen Hoffmann, Andreas Dellnitz, Andreas Kleine und Rainer Koelle; Evaluating Air Navigation Service Efficiency of European Airports Utilizing DEA, ICNS Proceedings 2018, IEEE Xplore, DOI: 10.1109/ICNSURV.2018.8384861, 2018.
  • Andreas Dellnitz, Andreas Kleine and Wilhelm Rödder; CCR or BCC: what if we are in the wrong model?, Journal of Business Economics 88, 2018, pp. 831-850 (VHB-Rating B). Article Download!
  • Wilhelm Rödder, Andreas Kleine and Andreas Dellnitz; Scaling Production and Improving Efficiency in DEA – an interactive approach, Journal of Industrial Engineering International, 2017, open access. Article Download!
  • Andreas Kleine and Andreas Dellnitz; Allocation of Seminar Applicants – A goal programming approach, Journal of Business Economics 87, 2017, pp. 927-941 (VHB-Rating B). Article Download!
  • Dominic Brenner,  Andreas Dellnitz, Friedhelm Kulmann and Wilhelm Rödder; Compressing strongly connected subgroups in social networks: an entropy-based approach, Journal of Mathematical Sociology 41, 2017, pp. 84-103 (TR Impact Factor 0.68). Article Download!
  • Andreas Dellnitz; Treating scale-efficiency gaps in peer-based DEA, Operations Research Proceedings 2015, Springer, 2017, pp. 409-415 (VHB-Rating D). Article Download!
  • Andreas Dellnitz; RTS-Mavericks in Data Envelopment Analysis, Operations Research Letters 44, 2016, pp. 622-624 (VHB-Rating B; TR Impact Factor 0.627). Article Download!
  • Andreas Kleine, Andreas Dellnitz and Wilhelm Rödder; Sensitivity Analysis of BCC Efficiency in DEA with Application to European Health Services, Operations Research Proceedings, Springer, 2013, pp. 243-248 (VHB-Rating D). Article Download!

Contributions to Collective Works & Miscellanea

  • Andreas Dellnitz und Salome Zimmermann; Nachhaltigkeitsbewertung kommunaler Projekte – Ein Plädoyer für den Einsatz der Data Envelopment Analysis, In: Kristin Butzer-Strothmann und Friedel Ahlers (Hrsg.): Kommunales Nachhaltigkeitsmanagement – Ein integrativer Ansatz mit Fokus Wirtschaft am Beispiel der Stadt Hannover, Springer, Berlin/Heidelberg, forthcoming, 2023.
  • Günter Fandel, Andreas Kleine and Andreas Dellnitz; Editorial „Sustainable decision-making in production and logistics“, Journal of Business Economics, 90, 2020, pp. 1285-1287.
  • Carsten D. Schultz and Andreas Dellnitz. Attribution Modeling in Online Advertising. In Yang, K.C.C. (Ed.), Multi-platform advertising strategies in the global marketplace. Hershey, P.A.: IGI-Global Publisher, 2017, pp. 226-249.
  • Wilhelm Rödder, Friedhelm Kulmann and Andreas Dellnitz; A New Rationality in Network Analysis – Status of Actors in a Conditional-logical Framework, in: Beierle, Christoph et al. (Ed.): Computational Models of Rationality, Essays Dedicated to Gabriele Kern-Isberner on the occasion of her 60th birthday, College Publications, 2016, pp. 348-364.
  • Andreas Kleine, Wilhelm Rödder and Andreas Dellnitz; Returns To Scale Revisited – towards Cross-RTS, in: Ahn, Heinz et al. (Ed.): Nachhaltiges Entscheiden: Beiträge zum multiperspektivischen Performancemanagement von Wertschöpfungsprozessen, Festschrift zum 65. Geburtstag von Harald Dyckhoff, Springer, Berlin/Heidelberg, 2016, pp. 385-404.
  • Wilhelm Rödder, Andreas Kleine and Andreas Dellnitz; Eine ökonomische Analyse verdeckter Outputs in der Data Envelopment Analysis, in: Werners, Brigitte et al. (Ed.): Zukunftsperspektiven des Operations Research, Festschrift zum 80. Geburtstag von Hans-Jürgen Zimmermann, Springer, Berlin/Heidelberg, 2014, pp. 297-314.

Selected Conference Talks

  • Steffen Hofmann (Presenter), Andreas Dellnitz, Andreas Kleine and Rainer Kölle; Evaluating Air Navigation Service Efficiency of European Airports Utilizing DEA, The Integrated Communications Navigation and Surveillance (ICNS), Washington D. C. (USA), 2018.
  • Andreas Dellnitz (Presenter) and Elmar Reucher; Cross-efficiency evaluation in DEA using full-dimensional hyperplanes, International Conference on DEA, Birmingham (United Kingdom), 2018.
  • Damian Braschczok (Presenter), Andreas Dellnitz, Andreas Kleine and Jonas Ostmeyer; Energy-efficient multi-objective scheduling, OR2017, International Annual Conference of German OR Society, Berlin (Germany), 2017.
  • Andreas Dellnitz (Presenter) and Andreas Kleine; RTS-Mavericks in DEA: A first application for cross-returns to scale, International Conference on DEA, Prague (Czech Republic), 2017.
  • Steffen Hofmann (Presenter), Andreas Kleine and Andreas Dellnitz; Selecting data and DEA results for visualization, International Conference on DEA, Prague (Czech Republic), 2017.
  • Andreas Dellnitz (Presenter); RTS-Mavericks in DEA, OR2016, International Annual Conference of German OR Society, Hamburg (Germany), 2016.
  • Andreas Dellnitz (Session Chair and Presenter) and Elmar Reucher; Peer Selection in DEA Efficiency vs. RTS, International Conference on DEA, Wuhan (China), 2016.
  • Steffen Hoffmann (Presenter), Andreas Dellnitz and Andreas Kleine; Visualizing DEA efficiency-configurations, International Conference on DEA, Wuhan (China), 2016.
  • Andreas Dellnitz (Presenter) and Elmar Reucher; Cross-Efficiencies: input vs. output based effects Using the DEA-approach for an evaluation of European Health Systems, International Conference on DEA, Brunswick (Germany), 2015.
  • Andreas Dellnitz (Presenter); Treating scale-efficiency gaps in peer-based DEA, OR2015, International Annual Conference of German OR Society, Vienna (Austria), 2015.
  • Andreas Kleine (Presenter), Andreas Dellnitz and Wilhelm Rödder; Sensitivity Analysis of BCC Efficiency in DEA with Application to European Health Services, OR2013, International Annual Conference of German OR Society, Rotterdam (Netherlands), 2013.
  • Andreas Dellnitz (Presenter); From centrical scaling to efficiency change, OR2012, International Annual Conference of German OR Society, Hanover (Germany), 2012.
  • Andreas Dellnitz, Elmar Reucher and Wilhelm Rödder (Presenter); Negative cross-efficiencies versus returns to scale an application for automotive suppliers, OR2011, International Annual Conference of German OR Society, Zurich (Switzerland), 2011.